
short story

This tag is associated with 8 posts

The Shut Window [Flash Fiction]

The product of a 10 minute, impromptu, Twitter writing prompt… “She heard a scream and opened/closed the window“. The Shut Window   She shut the window upon hearing the scream. She knew what it was, who it was. There was nothing she could do. There was never anything she could do, not against him. But it … Continue reading

“Late Season Rains” now available on Amazon

My first self-published, full length short story, Late Season Rains, is now up and ready for Kindle digital download on Amazon for only $0.99. Click the image below for the story’s page. Please feel free to rate it and provide feedback. Preview for Late Season Rains: The last seaward bend in the road showed how close they … Continue reading

Islands of Light [Part 2]

Be sure to read Part 1 for the full story from the beginning. The melange of echoes faded escaping the tunnel the way he’d come. Barrow stopped, listening for the man to give himself away, a breath, a misstep. He inched a step further, then one more, a metal clamor broke free from his last step, a … Continue reading

The Third Choice

He opened his eyes, felt the cushioned crunch of pine needles under him. The trees rose into a entwined lattice above eclipsing much of the sky to him. Lying mingled in the acrid scents of the pines and rich earth he felt accosted by both almost tasting each on his tongue. His hand rose to … Continue reading


Here’s my stab at Gonzo Journalism Fiction. Inspired by this week’s Weekly Writing Challenge. ______________________ “Thanks, Jerry,” I said taking the crime report Officer Reynolds slid across the counter, our daily routine. Stepping over a set of outstretched, denim legs, their owner laid out into one of the hard plastic waiting room chairs. He looked … Continue reading

Routine Chance

He looked like Marlin Brando in The Wild One in that hardened, black leather, motorcycle jacket that creaked when he moved but his blue skin and hairless head didn’t make the cut. Neither did the hissing, white-faced monkey scurrying back and forth across his shoulders for that matter. Roger couldn’t understand what the stranger said … Continue reading

Memorable Quotes: The Short Story

“You learn by writing short stories.  Keep writing short stories.  The  money’s in novels, but writing short stories keeps your writing lean and pointed.” ~ Larry Niven __________________ “Short stories are designed to deliver their impact in as few pages as  possible.  A tremendous amount is left out, and a good short story  writer learns to … Continue reading

Trying to Publish: Navigating new waters

Hello everyone. Sorry for the lack of attention I’ve been paying to the blog of late. Has anyone noticed? I have a good excuse. I was working diligently on a short story before a submission deadline passed. Being new to this whole writing thing, I’ve been learning quite a bit about the process of submitting my works. There is … Continue reading

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